Regency and Historical reading for your pleasure...

Regency Romance

Adults Only

     In the excitement of Emperor Napoleon and Empress Josephine's reign, Corisande becomes a valued member of Court under Josephine's protection, and has no end of suitors.

     Sebastian is a confidante of the Emperor and an expert military strategist. Napoleon suggests strongly it is time for Sebastian to wed, even though he prefers not.

Will he find the lady to change his mind at Court?


 Victorian Romance

Malvina's Boudoir

This novella is set in the time of Queen Victoria, when Britain was beginning to rule the world, with its colonies abroad and its trade.  Men made fortunes in buying and selling commodities, and trading in exotic places, such tea from India or homelier products such as wool from Yorkshire.  My hero is a man who has made his cash in trade and is now looking for a wife. He finds the elegant cool artistic Malvina, who is happiest tending her garden, painting and putting on amateur dramatics.  Will passion bring them together?

Find out! It's available on Amazon/Kindle





A New Romance available Amazona and Smal




ROMAN BRIDE – Short Story

Flavia is a Roman Lady, of high birth.  Peredur is a Roman who has become a Celtic warrior.  They marry, and go to Camlann, Arthur’s court, where he is trying to re build a society destroyed by war.  Flavia tries to introduce old Roman habits like drinking wine and building mosaics but what about the red haired Celtic woman who seems to know her husband too well?  Lady Angharhad seems to be her enemy.  How will Flavia make her marriage work?

It’s available on Amazon/Kindle.





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